1) Our College (I)

Our college is situated in the northern suburbs. But the transportation is convenient and the environment is pleasing. A hill lies in the back of the college campus. Not far away before the campus is a great lake, where we often go swimming on Sundays.
There are four classroom buildings and five dining-halls onthe campus. The classrooms are big and bright. And each of them is large enough for sixty students to study in comfort. Behind the main classroom building stands the college library where both the teachers and students are busy borrowing and returning books every day. I usually go there once a week for borrowing and returning books.
Our college life is rich and interesting. Not only have we many experienced teachers. suficient books , scientific apparatus  and instruments to help our studies, but we are also encouraged to take part in many college activities such as seminars,parties, talks, sports, visiting factories, etc...Basketball and
volleyball matches are held almost weekly.
All in all, studying in our college is a great privilege, so students always remember their Afna Mater after their graduation.

                                            2) Our College (II)

Our college is located in the middle of a residential neighhood in a big city. Inside the front gete is a truck selling coffee and refreshmentst to passing students and teachers. To the left of the truck is the asdministration bullding where many of the fices are located. Opposite the administration bulding is old classroom building, and between these two buildings is a a large, attractive square with grass and trees. Across from the from the font gate on the far side of the squsre is a tall building with a large clock on top. There is usually a large crowd of students standing and talking to their friends in front of this building. As you walk through the campus there are four newer classroom buildings, one faces the library; one is behind it and the other two; on its left and right. At the southern end of the campus is another gate, and beyond the gate are two bookstores and a variety of
food and clothing shops.

                                            3) Our College Campus

Our college is situated in the west of Beijing. Although our campus is not big. all the facilities " needed for college study and life are concentrated here.
As you enter the college, you can see the reception office just inside the school gate on the left, and the office for incoming and outgoing mails on the right. If you go along one of the campus passages eastwards, you are greeted by flowerbeds and a rockery. You will see a bicycle park and a garage on one side, and an office building on the opposite. At the end of the passage there's an apartment building, north of which are two classroom
buildings. Two of the students' dormitories are located in the eastern part of the campus. In the northern part of the campus, there are buildings occupied by the general affairs department, the clinic the bathhouse. and dining halls. Our sportsground is located in the northwestern corner of the campus. From there another campus passage leads to the college gate. Going down this passage you will see the club on the left and our newly built library on the right. In the centre of our ecampus there is a flag pole surrounded by flowerbeds. Following this route, you can easily find every place you want to go to on our campus.

                                            4) Our Library

Our university boasts a big. well-equipped library which has earned enduring fame throughout the country. It has a huge collection of boks and many modern fucilities under the supervision of many librarians. It is made up of many sections, including "Collection and Purchase", "Cataloguing "Periodicals",etc. It is accessible to all the students of the university, who can borrow as many as three books at a time and kep them for any length of time up to a fortnight. They have to renew or return the books they have borrowed by the end of this period. Otherwise they would have to be fined as a penalty. or refused permission to borrow any more.
There are a number of rules for behavior in the library. The students are supposed to put back the books of the reference room in their original places on the shelves. They ought to leave the allowed suppos caret magazines and to to talk kvp keep and in reaxonably them the newspapers library in good quiet in or condition. good disturb when order they others. 
Our university library plays an important role in teaching, acdemic studies and cultivation of talented people outside the library. As a centre of books. reference materials and information, it is one of the "human's treasure-houses of spiritual wealth". It is a scholarly institution which offers services for teaching, studies and scientific research. Like a cradle, our library has nurtured9 a g great number of learned people. experts and star professors who
were previously enthusiastic patrons e of the library and have made great achievements in all walks of life.


                                          1) My Classmate

Mr. Dick is one of my classmates. He is a young man of medium height. He has curly black hair. a round face with a small chin, and a fair complexion. His most outstanding feature is his eyes. They are very dark and alive, with long black lashes and they seem to be smiling at you all the time. This gives
Mr Dick the appearance of being very good-natured' * or up to some mischief the whole, Mr. Dick is a conser dresser and he usually wears a gray or dark blue suit. His ties , however we are loud, He goes in for vivid colors and abstract prints in his ties. Mr. Dick speaks very quickly but in a soft voice. He has a keen wit and enjoys a good joke. He is a very intelligent
student, but he doesn't always pay attention in class. Sometimes he writes letters in class, and sometimes he clichs his ballpoint pen or taps his pencil on the desk. But he soon settles down to work again. Mr. Dick gets along well with the ther students and most of them like him very much.

                                         2) My New Roommate

It was my first day at the institute. I got into the building where I was going live and the looked room there  was after already a student making his bed. After we said "How do you do?" to each other. he continued his work paying no more attention to me. What a stuck-up fellow! " I thought. I examined the room. It was not different in the fittings and furnishings from any other room l had seen, by my new roommate, but it had been thoroughly cleaned doubt.
I looked at him. He was thin. short and dark. His hair was like a bundle of straw. His dirty clothes and tired look were clearly signs of a long travel. His clothes were made of cheap cloth. The coat was too short and the trousers too loose. And he wore a pair of rubber shoes, which were very unfashionable. He did not look a smart freshman at all. "A yokel. "8 I concluded.
The second time he spoke, his accent told me that he wasfrom the south. "Shall I help you to get your luggage from the office?
I did not refuse since I really needed help. He was quick in movement. He walked out of the room and was soon far ahead of me in the corridor.
"A good guys " 1 said to myself. "I will make friends with him. " I hurried and caught up with him.

                                    3) A Friend in My Mememory

I had a great many friends in my childhood, but one of them I can never had a forget. Her friends was my Susan and she hut lived one next of them door to me. Although she was five years older than we grew fond of each other. She had many qualities that appealed to me then and have since been s great image in my memory.
In school, but she Sosan never was semed a a star to pupilt, be proud of ezcelled her achievement. She was quiet. diligent, and a big sister to the students of lower grades. Being the protector of the litle ones, she would not let anyone bully them , was quick to dry their tears when they cried and helped them up when they stumbled and fell. Susan had a big kind heart. Athough she was the only child of her family, she was not spoilt. She was polite to the elders, generous to her Iriends, and kind to the poor. She had never hesitated in giving her pocket money to the needy.
Susan did like to argue with others, but she could not bear injustice If someone had wrongly accused her, she would write a letter to protest, for she thought it would be better to write than to argue and confuse the facts. She might be quiet, full of sympathy, and modest, but she was far from Pweak. She might in fragile physically? yet behind her soft face was a strong.

                                                    4) My Friend

My friend's name is Tom. He is Bive feet tall, weighs 175 pounds 4 1S twenty years cold. His eyes are brown his hair is black, and his skin is light brown. His father is a eacher and his mother, an accountant', He majors in English at University of California. He is usually dressed in a light-colored shirt or sweater.
Tom is an interesting man with a delightful sense of huwghtful of others. His humor and thoughtfulness cheered me up last Saturday, Tom and I waited for a bus for over half an hour on a cold street corner. We could do nothing but wait. Both of us at that time dresmed of having a car of our own. s that we would not have to wait for a bus like that. When we finally got home, he handed fine a small paper bag. Inside was a a little model car. with a note saying Now you won't ever have to wait for a bus again.


                                           1) Choosing a Career

Choosing a career is one of the moet important things in s person' s life. Finding the right career. you will be happy and successful. Finding the wrong one, you will not display your talent fully.
Unfortunately. many people make costly' mistakes. For example, some people simply follow the steps of a parent or a a relative and many others change jobs constantly under the influence of their friends who give them their advice. As a result, they
CRn't make the best use of their talents, and they get nowhere their work.
The mistakes can be avoided by taking into account such factors as your choice of occupation and the necessary information about the job before you make up your mind. Above all evaluate yourself. Be sure that you know where your interest lies and what your ability is. Only by doing so can you do very well in your work and enjoy it most usually leads to success and happiness. while a wrong one often brings about failure and disappointment. Therefore. we must get ourselves prepared for making the right choice when
First of all, the career should be a real service to our fellow men and not merely enable us to earn a living. Secondly, it should offer scopeb for creativity and imagination because we us with opportunities and challenges. engaging our interest and newspaper work, research on social science, and so on, it should provide want to live a rich or meaningful life allowing us to develop our abilities.
There are many professions for me to choose from, teach. Among them. the work of a reporter may make my dream realized.

                       2) A Decision to Make Before Graduation

There is a choice for me to make upon graduation; either company of joint venture in the city of Guangzhou, or in a government office in my small hometown in Heilong jang Province. Ever since I was given this difficult
choice. I have been in a dilemma. If I go to Guangzhou. my parents will certainly be disappointed. But if I go back to my fam workily. I will lose the golden opportunity of testing my ability.
The attractions and disadvantages of either position are very obvious. As a government employee. I will have little risk in work and life in general. while working in a business run as joint venture, I might lose my job easily, 
s it is in a highly 24, ProfessionWI fsmily get influence promoted and quickly. surrounded In my by nometown, good. "ose friends. who sheltered are I might competent by nevez the There are other considerations, too: the loneliness of beipa Way from home versusD the opportunity to make new iriendsı of the new places he and humidity of the southern city vere dear old home versus excitement etreme coldl wiaters af the monlon everything costs much less.
After carefully weighing the pros and cont 2P of working and Guangzhou, I will make a lot more money . but in my home. What is more, in living in either place. I have finally decided to go o Guangzhou. I willlearn all there is to learn and meet any challenge that is to come. Instead of being my mother's baby all my life, I'll make my parents proud of me.

                           3) Interview As a Method of Assessment

Interviews may be carried out in a one-to-one situation, or a group of interviewers may interview a single candidate. Each pe of intereiew has its adzantaąges end dinadvantages.
The one-to-one interview is the most common. It has the Mdrintage of being the moet naturel situation. It is easier to huild up a relationship with the candidate, who will feel at ease, the intervewer is likely to find out a good desl sbout the Candidate. In particular, he will be in a good position to find out and answer questions more fully and more naturally. In whether or not he will want the candidate to work with him.
These advantages carry with them certain disadvantages as well.
The interviewer may be so strongly affected by his own positive or negative feelings that he will be unable to assess the candidate. The interview may be so relaxing that the interviewer forgets to explore certain areas: it may turn into a conversation about topics of mutual interest.
The next most common type of interview is the board. This is usually adopted by some bureaucratic organization in order that the selection procedure should be seen to be fair to candidates and that people who are selected reach some kind of common standards. On the other hand. the board may be more cOonscientious P in covering all relevant areas. They may also be more careful in reaching a decision based on all the available
evidence. But it also has some disadvantages. F For example, the Candidate will feel nervous in front of a group of interviewers, which may influence the candidate's demonstrating his personal and professional qualities.



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