1. Introduction

This is Mary. She’s eleven. She’s got long brown hair and brown eyes. Her ears are small and her cheeks are chubby.
She gets up at 7 o’clock in the morning, has a shower, gets dressed and has breakfast. She usually has a toast and coffee. She doesn’t like cheese. Then the girl goes to school. She travels by bus. She has lunch at school with her friends. They sometimes have pizza and milkshake. After the lessons they play in the park and they like flying a kite. Mary goes home at 5pm. She has dinner with her mother and father. Her mother likes cooking! Mary goes to bed at 10pm.
The girl lives in the city. There is a swimming pool next to her house but her school is far. There are lots of shops and supermarkets in her street. There is a café behind her house and Mary goes there at the weekend with her family.
There is a market in front of her house. There are a lot of fruit. She likes eating watermelons and mangoes but she doesn’t like grapes. She likes vegetables.
Now the girl is in her bedroom. It’s big. There are two windows, there is a wardrobe in the room and there is her desk next to the window. There is a chair next to her desk. Now her room is a mess! There are her jeans on the floor and there is one sock on the sofa and one sock on the lamp. Her mother is angry. She says: You can’t go to the park, please tidy up your room! Put those jeans in the wardrobe and find the socks!
Mary likes doing athletics and playing table tennis. Going swimming is fun! But she doesn’t like playing basketball. She is very short!
In the summer Mary would like to go camping with her grandfather! She wouldn’t like to help her grandmother in the garden. It’s boring!

Write YES or NO:
1.      Mary has got short brown hair.                 _________
2.      She has a toast and coffee for breakfast.  _________
3.      The children don’t have pizza for lunch. ________
4.      Her school is next to her house.                _________
5.      There is a café in front of her house.        _________
6.      Mary likes mangoes but doesn’t eat
watermelons.                                             _________
7.      There is a desk behind the wardrobe
in her room.                                               _________
8.      Her room is a mess.                                   _________
9.      There is one sock under the sofa.              _________
10.  Her mum is scared because there is a
mess.                                                         _________
11.  She doesn’t like playing basketball.          _________
12.  She would like to go camping with her
grandfather.                                              _________

Choose the right answer:
1.      The girl gets up at
a)      eight o’clock    b) seven o’clock     c)nine o’clock
2.      She goes to school by:
a)      car             b) helicopter                c) bus
3.      There is a … next to her house.
a)      supermarket           b) café             c) swimming pool
4.      Mary doesn’t like eating
a)      watermelons          b) potatoes      c) grapes
5.      There is a chair
a)      next to her desk    b) behind the wardrobe
c) under her desk
6.      The girl’s mother asks the girl
a     a)  to find the jeans
       b)  to go to the park
       c)  to clean the room.


2.    Family

Hi my name is Adam. I live with my family in a big house. I have two sisters and one brother. We share many chores with our parents. My brother and I take the garbage out.

We also wash our father’s car twice a week. Every Friday, I weed the garden and my brother waters the plants. I also make my bed in the morning. My sister, Emily, sweeps the floor every evening and washes the dishes after dinner. She also helps Mom with shopping every Thursday. My mother cooks for us and washes our clothes. My father fixes anything broken at home.

Hi my name is Sally. My family is small, my father, my mother, my sister Joanna and Me. We live in a flat in a tall building. I help my family with the chores. I make my own bed.

I set the table for dinner while mom cooks. Every Tuesday my parents go shopping for food and I take care of my sister Joanna and help her with homework. My father fixes things in the house. My mother cooks our meals and sweeps the floor every night. When Mom or Dad is tiered I bring water for them.

A.    Write (A) next to Adam’s chores, (S) next to Sally’s chores, and (A|S) next to chores they share.

D.    True or False? Circle (T) or (F).

C.     Answer the questions. Write full sentences.

01.  Who sweeps the floor in Sally’s house?
02.  What chores does Adam’s father do?
03.  What does Sally do when her parents go shopping for food

01.  Adam washes his father’s car three times in the week.

02.  Adams’s brother helps him weed the garden.

03.  Both Sally and Adam make their bed.

04.  Every Thursday, Sally’s parents go shopping for food.

05.  Adam’s father and Sally’s father fix things at home.


3. My Lovely House

Hello, my name is Melissa.  Welcome to my house!   My house has five rooms.  The first room is the living room.  I like to watch television in the living room.   The next room is the kitchen.  Sometimes I cook dinner in the kitchen.   The dining room is next to the kitchen.  I eat dinner with my family in the dining room.   I also have a bathroom.  The bathroom has a shower, toilette and sink.  The last room is the bedroom. My bed is very comfortable.  I sleep well in my bedroom. 
1. How many rooms does Melissa’s house have? _____________________
2. Where does Melissa watch television? ___________________________
3. Where is the dining room? ____________________________________
4. Where does Melissa eat dinner? _______________________________
5. Where does Melissa cook dinner? ______________________________
6. Does the bathroom have a sink? ________________________________
7. Why does Melissa sleep well in her bedroom? _____________________




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