1.1 Be: positive and WH-questions


I'm from Italy. (I'm = I am)
You're in room C. (you're = you are)
he's from Mexico. (he's = he is)
She's from Australia (she's = she is)
It's Maria Favia (it's = it is)
We're from USA. (we're = we are)
They're from Spain. (they're = they are)


Where am I?
Where are you from?
Where's she from?
Where's he from?
Where's it from?
What's your name?
Where are we?
What are your names?
Where are they from?


you and your are singular and plural in English.


1.2 Subject pronouns and possessive adjectives

Subject pronouns                     Possessive adjectives

I                                                                                               my
you                                                                                          your
he                                                                                             his
she                                                                                           her
it                                                                                              its
we                                                                                           our
they                                                                                         their


We use subject pronouns with VERBS: I am a teacher. I live in Rome.
We use possessive adjectives with NOUNS: My name is Jane. It's my book.


1.3 be: negative, yes/no questions and short answers


We make negatives with not.
I'm not a teacher.                                                 (I'm not = I am not)
I You/We/They aren't from Australia.                (aren't = are not)
I He/She/ It isn't famous.                                     (isn't = is not)


Am I late?
Are you from Spain?
Is he/she a musician?
Is it from the USA?
Are we in room 5?
Are you from Sydney?
Are they French?


Yes, I am. /No, I'm not,
Yes, . you are. /No, you aren't.
I Yes, he/she is./No, he/she isn't.
Yes, it is. /No, it isn't.
Yes, we are. /No, we aren't.
. you are. /No, you aren't.
My are. /No, they aren't.


We also make negatives and negative short answer with 's/'re + not
Ex: we're not from Australia
       he's not our friend.


1.4 be


I'm from italy.                          (I'm = I am)
You're in room C.                    (You're = You are)
He's from Mexico.                   (he's = he is)
She's from Australia.               (she's = she is)
It's New York.                         (it's = it is)
We're from the USA.              (we're = we are)
They're from Spain.                (they're they are)


Where am I?
Where are you from?
Where's he from?
Where's she from?
Where's it from?
What's vour name?


We make negatives with not.
I'm not a tea                                            (I'm not = I am not)
You/We/They aren't from Australia.      (aren't = are not)
I He/She/ It isn't farm                              (isn't = is not)


I Am I ate?
IAre you from Spain?
I is he/she a musician?
I s it from the USA?
I Are we in room 5?
IAre you from Sydney?
Are they French?


I'm /No Im not
Are we in room 5?
Are you from Sydney?
Are they French?
Yes, 1 am. /No, 'm not.
Yes, you are. /No, you aren't.
Yes, he/she is./No, he/she isn't.
Yes, it is./No, it isn't.
Yes, we are. /No, we aren't.
Yes, you are. /No, you aren't.
Yes, they are. /No, they aren't.


1.5 Questions


Where am I?
Where are you from?
Where's he from?
Where's she from?
Where's it from?
What's your name?
Where are we?
What are your names?
Where are they from?


Am I late?
Are you from Spain?
Is he/she a musician?
I Is it from the USA?
nere's it from
What's your name?
Wh are wef
What are your n
Where are they from?


2.1 have got: positive and negative


I/you/ we/ they've got (have got)
he/she/it's got ( has got)


you/we/they haven't got (. have not got)
I he/she/it hasn't got ( has not got)
These activities practise this Grammar:
have got: positive & negative


2.2 have got: questions and short answers


Have I got any letters today?
Have you got a computer?
Has he/she/it got a DVD player?
Have we got any CDs?
Have they got any cheap TVs?
What have you got in your bag?
What has he/she got in his/her bag?


I have,/No, I haven't.
Yes, you have. /No, you haven't,
Yes, he/she/it has. /No, he/she/it hasn't,
we have,. /No, we haven't.
they have, /No. thev haven't,


We don't use got in short answers.
We use any in plural negatives and questions with
have got: We haven't got any COs. Have I got any
These activities practise this Grammar:
have got: questions


2.3 Possessive's

We use name 's for the posse e: Kate is Lisa's sister,
NOT Kate is the sister of Lisa.


For plural nouns, the apostrophe (") is after the
My parents' names are Pat and Bill.
*. 's can mean the possessive, is or has:
Bill is Lisa's father. ('s possessive)
Kate's her sister. ('s is)
She's got a brother. ('s has)
a We use whos to ask which person/people a thing
belongs to:
Whose mobile phone is that? It's Tom's.


3.1 Present Simple: positive

You/We/They get up at five o'clock.
I/You/We/They get up very early.
You/We/They start work at about 5.45.
You/We/They have an hour for lunch.

These activities practise this Grammar:
Present Simple: positive


3.2 Present Simple: Wh- questions

Wh-word auxiliary subject
Where do they have dinner?
What time do you go to bed?
When do you get back to the hotel?
what time do they finish work?
When do we start work?

These activities practise this Grammar:
I Present Simple: Wh- questions


3.3 Present Simple: negative 

live in England,
go out in the week.
stay in at the weekend.
Watch TV in the day.
I/you/we/they don't


don't - do not

These activities practise this Grammar:
Present Simple: negative sbject


3.4 Present Simple: yes/no questions and short answers


auxiliary subject
I/you/we/they live in England?
Do you eat out a lot?
Does she go to concerts?


Yes, I/you/we/they do.
No, I/you/we/they don't.

These activities practise this Grammar:
Present Simple: questions
Present Simple: questions


3.5 Subject and object pronouns subject pronouns object pronouns

I                                                           me
you                                                      you
he                                                        him
she                                                       her
they                                                     them
we                                                        us


In positive sentences, subject pronouns come before the verb, and object pronouns come after the verb:
I often phone her at 11 p.m.

We usually see him in the mornings.



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